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SIBT: Reference in APA 7


Format reference lists using the following elements:

New Page

Start the reference list on new page after the main body of text. Use the Insert - Page Break function on your word processor. 


Enter the (level 1) heading References on the first line of the page, centered and in bold font. 

Spacing Ensure that the reference list is doubled spaced throughout. Do not use before, after or extra spaces between entries. 
Alphabetical Order

List the sources in alphabetical order according to the first author's surname. Use the A-Z function on your word processor. 

For multiple works by the same author(s) in the same order, place works in chronological order. 

For works with the same author(s) in the same order and the same date, use lowercase letters after the year to differentiate the references. Order the works according to which title comes first alphabetically. 

Hanging Indent Apply the hanging indent to the page. The second and subsequent line of each source is indented (1.27cm).  Use the paragraph settings option in your word processor to do this. 



Ahmmed, M. M., Babu, M. A., & Salim, Z. R. (2020). Depression and associated factors among undergraduate students of private universities in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(2), 97–108.

Azevedo, J., Vieira-Coelho, M., Castelo-Branco, M., Coelho, R., & Figueiredo-Braga, M. (2020). Impulsive and premeditated aggression in male offenders with antisocial personality disorder. PLoS ONE, 15(3), 1–18. https://doi-org/10.1371/journal.pone.0229876

Cooper, M. (2008). Essential research findings in counselling and psychotherapy: The facts are friendly (2nd ed.). Sage Publications.

Ivey, A. E., & Rigazio-Digilio, S. A. (2009). Developmental counseling and therapy: The basics of why it may be helpful and how to use it. Turkish Psychological Counseling & Guidance Journal, 4(32), 1–11.

Jones, R. (Host). (2020, April 21). The coronavirus endgame (Episode No. 206) [Audio podcast]. In R. Schwartz, & M. Macklem (Producers), 7am, Schwartz Media.

Kalhori, F., Masoumi, S. Z., Shamsaei, F., Mohammadi, Y., & Yavangi, M. (2020). Effect of mindfulness-based group counseling on depression in infertile women: Randomized clinical trial study. International Journal of Fertility & Sterility, 14(1), 10–16. https://doi-org/10.22074/ijfs.2020.5785

Renck, J. (Director), & Manzin, C. (Writer). (2019, May 27). The happiness of all mankind (Season No. 1, Episode No. 4) [TV series episode]. In C. Mazin, C, Strauss, J. Featherstone, J. Renck, & C. Fry (Executive producers), Chernobyl. HBO; Sky UK; Sister Pictures; The Mighty Mint; Word Games.

Rickard, J. (2017). Australia: A cultural history (3rd ed.). Monash University Publishing.

Tinker, M. (Director), Milch, D., & Mann, T. (Writers). (2006, June 11). Tell your God to ready for blood (Season No. 3, Episode No. 1). [TV series episode]. In D. Milch, G. Feinberg, & M. Tinker (Executive producers), Deadwood. HBO.

Van Deurzen, E., & Arnold-Baker, C. (2018). Existential therapy: Distinctive features. Routledge.

Academic Writer Tutorial: Formatting Reference Lists

The Academic Writer Tutorial below provides a downloadable example of an APA Style reference list.