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Interlibrary Loans

Request books, book chapters and journal articles from another library.

Interlibrary Loans & Document Delivery

Request an Interlibrary Loan or Document Delivery

Staff, educators, and students may request interlibrary loans and document delivery items from other institutions under the following conditions:

  • The material is not available from the ACAP Library
  • There is no charge to the requester, though restrictions may apply on the amount of material you can request due to copyright provision*
  • Textbooks or parts of textbooks are not available through this service
  • Library Loan Rules apply to requested items.

*Copyright provisions apply for document delivery requests as follows:

  • Books - one chapter or 10% whichever is greater.
  • Journal articles - generally one article from each issue

An interlibrary loan (ILL) refers to a request for a book which must be picked up from an ACAP campus library.

Document delivery refers to a copy of a book chapter or journal article which can be mailed or emailed to you.

Please note:

  • There is a limit of 12 requests per student allowed per term (not including requests available in the library or free online).
  • Theses and psychology tests cannot be supplied through the interlibrary loan service.


Find It

When using one of the library’s online databases, PubMed or Google Scholar, you will occasionally be directed to a journal article or other resource but can only access the citation or abstract rather than the complete (full-text) item. In these cases, you will see a blue FIND IT button, which will direct you back to MultiSearch. 

If the library holds the full-text of this item in another database, you’ll now be able to open it from the link you’ve been directed to in MultiSearch.

If the library does not have any full-text holdings for the item you’re looking at, the FIND IT button will direct you back to MultiSearch but this time you’ll be asked to log in to My Library where you will see a link that asks you to submit a Document Delivery Request.  Simply submit this form and we’ll request it from another library for you.

In cases where you can neither view the full-text of an item nor see the FIND IT button, manually fill out the Document Delivery form or contact your campus library.

You can also use the "Expand My Results" check box in MultiSearch to find and request material that lies outside the library's subscriptions.

By default, MultiSearch returns search results to which the library can provide direct full-text access. Ticking the "Expand My Results" option from the Refine My Results menu in MultiSearch will return results beyond the library's collection.

Items that are found using the "Expand my results" option can then be requested by signing into My Library and selecting the Document Delivery Request option. 

Over the Paywall

Over the Paywall: Find Credible Sources Online
This video provides options to discover credible scholarly resources online and in doing so help to protect your academic integrity.