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Search for the following articles:
- Magistrates' perspectives on the Criminal Division of the Children's Court of Victoria
- Indigenous young people and the NSW children's court: Magistrates' perceptions of the court's criminal jurisdiction
- Aboriginal young people in the children's court of Western Australia
- Youth sex offending, recidivism and restorative justice: Comparing court and conference cases
- Give them a chance: public attitudes to sentencing young offenders in Western Australia
- Public preferences for sentencing purposes: What difference does offender age, criminal history and offence type make
- Sentencing children and young people in Victoria
- What responsibility do courts have to hear children's voices
- Raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14 years
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Most of the referencing information for these publications can be found by clicking on the little quote mark under each record. If some of this information is missing, check the headers and footers of the article you are reading.