Short Documentary: The Hardcore World of Deathmatch WrestlingIn the world of wrestling, there’s nothing more brutal than a deathmatch: a fight where anything goes, and using weapons and spilling blood is the name of the game. New York wrestler Casanova Valentine runs a particularly hardcore circuit at the Tender Trap in Brooklyn, a bar where he and his opponents go at each other with barbed wire, fluorescent light tubes, thumbtacks, and garden tools, until there’s only one man left standing.
Origin: English (USA)
WARNING: violent themes ("You can't find anything this violent (and still legal) anywhere else".).
If you want to see an Australian example of deathmatch wrestling, search for the following words on YouTube.
Gweedo deathmatch
Gweedo is based in Victoria and he is involved in the local Deathmatch wrestling scene. Some videos may prompt you to log in before viewing.