Renew Your Loans
Renew items online in MultiSearch by logging in to My Library:
Enter your username and password exactly as follows:
Username: Your ACAP email address (e.g.
Password: The password used to access the ACAP Student Portal. If you are experiencing any difficulties logging in, please contact your campus library.
Teachers and staff username: Your college email address (e.g. Please contact your campus library if you require this information or have not yet registered with the library.
- Click the My Loans link from the menu under your name
- From here you can either Renew All items or Renew Selected items
- Take note of the new due date and remember to return items by this time or contact the Library if the renewal process was unsuccessful.
Items will be renewed unless they have been placed on hold by another student.
Renew Items Online
This video will take you through the process of renewing your loans and viewing your My Library account.