Articles on Google ScholarClick on the link above >
Search for the following article titles:
- Mental health diagnoses and recidivism in paroled offenders (click on all 9 versions under the abstract and then click on the Academia link on the right)
- Suicide risk among recently released prisoners in New South Wales, Australia
- A robust estimate of the number and characteristics of persons released from prison in Australia
- Deinstitutionalised patients, homelessness and imprisonment: systematic review
- Community integration in the early phase of housing among homeless persons diagnosed with severe mental illness
- Inpatient hospital use in the first year after release from prison
Note: When using Google Scholar, if an article has a link to the right, such as [PDF], it is available for free. Click on the link to the right to open the article.
Most of the referencing information for these publications can be found by clicking on the little quote mark under each record. If some of this information is missing, check the headers and footers of the article you are reading.