Articles on Google ScholarClick on the link above >
Search for the following:
- Penal diversity within Australia
- Prisons and vulnerable persons: Institutions and patriarchy
- The mental health of culturally and linguistically diverse offenders – what do we know?
- Access to programs and services among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) offenders: The case of EQUIPS
- Ex-prisoners, homelessness and the state in Australia Intellectual Disability/Mental Impairment
- Unfitness to stand trial and the indefinite detention of persons with cognitive disabilities in Australia: Human rights challenges and proposals for change
- Assessing the mental health of multicultural prisoner populations: a cross-cultural comparison with culturally and linguistically diverse, Indigenous Australian and English-speaking background groups of prisoners (thesis)
- Offenders with intellectual disabilities in prison: what happens when they leave?
- Request for a systemic review of discrimination against women in Victorian prisons
- Incarcerating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women in Australia: Finding a Balance in Defining the 'Just Prison'
- Painting the picture of Indigenous women in custody in Australia
- Factors associated with sexual coercion in a representative sample of men in Australian prisons
- Consensual sex between men and sexual violence in Australian prisons
- Understanding the over-representation of lesbian or bisexual women in the Australian prisoner population
- Predator or prey? An exploration of the impact and incidence of sexual assault in West Australian prisons
- The decline in sexual assaults in men's prisons in New South Wales: A “systems” approach
- Cisnormativity, criminalisation, vulnerability: Transgender people in prisons
- Sexual health and behaviour of New South Wales prisoners
- Sexual health and behaviour of Queensland prisoners
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