When you borrow, an email containing the due date will be sent to your Navitas Professional address. For each item not returned or renewed by this date, fines are charged as follows:
- $1.00 per day - General collection, 7 Day loans, DVDs and interlibrary loans
- $5.00 per hour - Special Reserve items.
Courtesy notices are also emailed 2 days before an item is due, followed by notices at 4 and 14 days overdue.
A block is put on borrowing rights (including renewals) when fines reach $50. To reinstate borrowing rights a minimum of $10 must be paid and fines must be reduced below $50. Outstanding fines or bills for replacement can impact on graduation or course progression.
When a book is 15 days overdue, a bill for replacement is issued. Replacement of items is charged at a flat rate of $120 per item. Accrued fines remain payable on replaced items.
To pay a fine please visit this page, scroll to "Adding Credit" and follow the steps.
A claim or appeal against the imposition of library fines can be made by contacting the library and obtaining a Request for Fines Exemption form.