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Learning Resource Accessibility

ACAP is committed to providing an inclusive experience to all library users

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A-Z Databases
MultiSearch - search all databases

What are databases?

Databases contain a variety of resources that you can search and browse online. During your studies, you might encounter databases when accessing class reading material, or while researching a particular topic.

ACAP library holds subscriptions to a range of databases with different interfaces which includes material such as:

  • eBooks
  • Indexes
  • Journals
  • Multimedia
  • News and Newspapers
  • Reference Works
  • Videos


  • You can choose to search our catalogue called MultiSearch, which retrieves results from all our resources including our databases.
  • You may prefer to search a particular database directly. You can do this by choosing your database from A-Z Databases.
  • Each database provider has different accessibility options. Navigate using the above tabs to explore the accessibility options for our most commonly used databases.

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All EBSCOhost Databases
Academic Search Complete
Australia/NZ Reference Centre Plus
Business Source Ultimate
Mental Measurements Yearbook

Accessible Navigation Features

  • Skip links to skip over redundant content
  • Landmarks: these define the page structure, like navigational areas and the main content
  • Headings: these denote the beginning of sections of content
  • Text to speech tool (ReadSpeaker) for listening to HTML full text content.

Tips for Basic Search

  1. Begin typing your keywords into search box.
  2. If you want to search by Author or Title, select Shift+Tab, followed by Enter if using a screen reader, and then use arrow keys to select the one you want. Tab to return to search box.
  3. Once you begin to type in the search box, beneath the box there will be a list of suggestions. You can access these using your arrow keys. If you select one of the suggested terms, the search will automatically run upon hitting Enter.
  4. If you do not want to select one of the suggestions, you can arrow up to return to the search box and continue typing your own keywords.
  5. If you want to clear the text in the Search box, then while in the box, tab once to the Clear option.

Tips for Advanced Search

  1. Select the Advanced Search link.
  2. Follow the procedures for “To use the search tool” for entering your search term.
  3. To change the search parameter, from within the text search input press Tab to reach the parameter button.
  4. When on the button press the Space key.
  5. Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate the list of options. The radio button will be listed first, then the label for the radio button.
  6. When you are on the radio button you want, press the Space key.
  7. Press Tab to go to the next search criteria, and repeat steps 1-6, or continue to press Tab to get to the Search button.
  8. Note, on the subsequent search criteria there will be an additional button for selecting the Boolean operator to apply. This button functions the same as the parameter button.
  9. For additional options, continue to read down through the page or search for the heading 3 called “Search Options”. In this section there are additional search parameters to apply. At the end of the section is another Search button to perform the selected search.

Other Useful Resources

  • Screen readers and PDF documents PDF content will often be more readable and more easily navigated by screen readers when it is displayed directly in Adobe Reader.
  • For PDF documents, download them to your computer and open then in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.
  • Visit the EBSCO website to get detailed tips for navigating in major screen readers.

Quick Links

All ProQuest Databases
ProQuest Criminal Justice
ProQuest Psychology
ProQuest PTSDpubs

Accessible Navigation Features

  • Navigate the website using just a keyboard or speech recognition software.
  • Go directly to main content areas on the page using skip links.
  • Listen to the website using a screen reader.
  • Navigate page content using headings.
  • Access fully searchable transcripts and captions for most video content.
  • Request on-demand an accessible, textual version of image-based text content.
  • View and manipulate images using keyboard-accessible controls.
  • Adjust colour contrast in browser settings. ProQuest style guides specify using colors that meet minimum contrast specifications.
  • Zoom in up to 400% using browser tools without text spilling off screen.

Other Useful Resources

  • Screen readers and PDF documents PDF content will often be more readable and more easily navigated by screen readers when it is displayed directly in Adobe Reader.
  • For PDF documents, download them to your computer and open then in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.
  • For more information, read the ProQuest Platform Accessibility Statement.

Quick Links

SAGE Psychology Journals
SAGE Research Methods
SAGE Research Methods Video
SAGE Video Counselling and Psychotherapy

Accessible Navigation Features

On the SAGE platform, you should be able to access the page with assistive technologies. A screen reader can be used to navigate page landmarks to scan and navigate the page. Useful landmarks include:

  • Banner: The site's global header containing a link to the homepage, navigation menus, a search function and a login menu.
  • Main: The main content of the page. Structurally, this is always the first landmark after the banner landmark.
  • Navigation: Navigation elements, such as the browse menus.
  • Complementary: Content that is separate but supplements the main content, for example related content and chapter tools.
  • Contentinfo: The site's footer where useful site-wide information, such as policies and contact information, can be found.
  • Region: The site also contains miscellaneous named regions, such as 'Also from Sage Publishing' which links to other Sage products.

All text on the platform meets minimum recommended contrast ratios against the background.

Other Useful Resources

  • Screen readers and PDF documents PDF content will often be more readable and more easily navigated by screen readers when it is displayed directly in Adobe Reader.
  • For PDF documents, download them to your computer and open then in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.
  • For more information, read Sage Research Methods accessibility guide, and SAGE Journals Accessibility Guide.

Quick Link


Accessible Navigation Features

  • Operate controls and features using keyboard only.
  • Skip repetitive elements using the a visible Skip Navigation link on all pages.
  • Zoom up to 400% on pages without content overflowing.
  • Jump directly to a main section in a journal article or book using the outline panel to the left of the article and book chapter pages.
  • Read content using assistive technology compatible with HTML and PDF formats.
  • Access math equations are in MathML.
  • Access pages through ARIA (Accessibility for Rich Internet Applications) to enhance navigation, orientation and labelling for users of screen readers and other assistive technology.
  • Access all graphical elements and color-coded items through meaningful text equivalents.
  • Quickly and easily understand the layout of the site with global navigation links that are consistent across pages.
  • Access tutorials which are available in HTML text in addition to captioned videos.
  • Read a summary of the main points in journal articles.

Other Useful Resources

  • Screen readers and PDF documents PDF content will often be more readable and more easily navigated by screen readers when it is displayed directly in Adobe Reader.
  • For PDF documents, download them to your computer and open then in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.
  • For more information, read the ScienceDirect Accessibility Features.