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Reference in APA 7

This guide provides formatting and presentation standards in APA 7 for ACAP students.

Statistics: Australian Bureau of Statistics

Author, A. A., & Name of Group. (Year or Date range). Title: Subtitle (cat. no.  #.#). https://url-of-entry

In the case of the ABS, the author and publisher will be the same. In these cases leave the Publisher element out of the reference. 

Include a Catalogue number where relevant in brackets after the Title element. 

Date fields may need to be updated to the latest issue release date mentioned on the page. 

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2012). Information paper – A statistical definition of homelessness, 2012 (cat. no. 4922.0).

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2014). General social survey: Summary results, Australia, 2014 (cat. no. 4159.0).

Parenthetical Style

First Citation: Those who have experienced "homelessness in the last ten years and who were no longer homeless at the time of interview, only 40% had sought assistance of formal services" (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2012, "Homelessness Statistics" section).

Subsequent  Citations: At this time, well under half of those who had experienced homelessness sought formal assistance (ABS, 2012).

Narrative Style

First Citation: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) (2012) explain that of those who have experienced "homelessness in the last ten years and who were no longer homeless at the time of interview, only 40% had sought assistance of formal services" ("Homelessness Statistics" section).

Subsequent  Citations: The ABS (2012) show that at this time, under half of those who had experienced homelessness sought formal assistance.

Reference Elements: Tests, Scales & Inventories

Author, A. A., &/or Name of Group. (Year). Title of Test, Scale, Inventory or Manual (Code or abbreviation): Subtitle (# ed.). Source or Publisher. https://xxxxx

Author, A. A., &/or Name of Group. (Year). Title of Test Database (Code or abbreviation) [Database record]. Database name. https://xxxxx

The titles of tests, scales and inventories should be capitalised or written exactly as published.

Always use a DOI if available (for both print and online resources).

Only include a URL if the source is not from an academic database and a DOI is not available.


Morey, L. (2007). Personality assessment inventory (PAI): Professional manual (2nd ed.). PAR Psychological Assessment Resources.

Tests, Scales & Inventories

Weathers, F. W., Blake, D. D., Schnurr, P. P., Kaloupek, D. G., Marx, B. P., & Keane, T. M. (2015). The Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5). Department of Veterans Affairs.

Database Records for Tests

Iancu, I., Poreh, A., Lehman, B., Shamir, E., & Kotler, M. (2005). Positive and Negative Symptoms Questionnaire (PNS-Q) [Database record]. PsycTESTS.

Parenthetical Style

Running text ... (Weathers et al., 2015).

"Quoted text ... " (Morey, 2007, p. 21). 

Narrative Style

Weathers et al. (2015) ... running text. 

Morey (2007) examines "quoted text ... " (p. 21).

Reference Elements: Data Sets

Author, A. A., & Name of Group. (Year or Date range). Title of data set (Version #.#) [Data set]. Publisher name.

Author, A. A., & Name of Group. (Year or Date range). Title of data set [Unpublished raw data]. Source. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https://xxxxx

Cite data sets when you have conducted secondary analyses of publicly archived data or archived your own data being presented for the first time in the current work. 

Always use a DOI if available.

If citing existing data or statistics, use the publication in which the data was published, e.g., a journal article, report, or webpage.

See Section 10.9 of the APA Publication Manual for more examples.

Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research. (2020). The household, income and labour dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey (Version 4.0) [Data set]. ADA Dataverse.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2012-2018). Coverage of treatment interventions (pharmacological, psychosocial and rehabilitation and aftercare services) for substance use disorders [Data set].

Parenthetical Style

Running text ... (Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, 2020).

"Quoted text ... " (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2012-2018, section R21)

Narrative Style

Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research (2020) ... running text. 

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2012-2018) uses "quoted text ... " (section R21).

Figure 1

Coverage of treatment interventions

Note. Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2012-2018.