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Reference in APA 7

This guide provides formatting and presentation standards in APA 7 for ACAP students.

Reference Elements: Artwork & Images

Reference list
Creator(s). (YEAR). Title in italics [Description]. Site or Institution Name, Location. https://xxxxx

Figure Number in Bold Font
Figure title in italics
[Insert Image]
Note. From [or Adapted from] Title of work by Creator(s), YEAR, Source details. Copyright statement.
Note. From [or Adapted from] Name of Attribution Free Site.


Clip Art, Stock Images: When using images that state “no attribution required” the APA does not require a reference list entry, in-text citation, or copyright attribution statement. However, ACAP students must include a note e.g. Note. From Pixabay.  Do not include a reference entry for these images.  If unsure about an image's copyright status please contact the library.

Copyrighted Images:

  1. In the caption below the figure add the word Note: (in italics).
  2. Add any descriptive notes about the table (if required).
  3. Add the word From if the image is an exact copy or use Adapted from if the image was altered. E.g. Note. From [or Adapted from] Title of work [Description] by authors, date, source details. Copyright Statement.
  4. Add the citation in the format - Title, by author, from source details
  5. Add the copyright statement. This could be one of the following:

    • Copyright year by copyright holder.  Copyright holders are usually the authors (open access copyright) or publishers (traditional copyright).
    • In the public domain - e.g. copyright expired or no copyright applies e.g. Government works
    • Creative Commons licence - e.g. CC BY-NC-ND. (see
  6. ​If copyright permission has been given to use the image, include Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission after the copyright statement.

Presentations: For posters, booklets, factsheets, PechaKuchas, the figure number and title are optional but the note containing the copyright attribution (or attribution free site name) is required. 

Tables & Figures: Refer to the Tables & Figures page in this guide for information about formatting, copyright attribution, and citation requirements. 


Colorisgray. (2010). Bling BW [Photograph]. Flickr.​colorisgray/4821532450

Phillips, D. (2023, March 17). Managing the tension between other-care and self-care [Blog post]. Linkedin.

Sigelman, C. K., De George, L., Cunial, K., Rider, E. A., Kholer, M., & Ballam, N. (2022). Life span human development (4th Aust. & NZ ed.). Cengage Learning Australia.

Skovholt, T. M. (2005). The cycle of caring: A model of expertise in the helping professions. Journal of Mental Health Counseling27(1), 82–93.

Tapies. A. (1969). Matter and graffiti [Etching, aquatint and embossed plate]. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.

Note that reference list entries are only required for copyrighted images. 

Attribution Free Images

Note. From Unsplash.

Note. From Pixabay.

Copyrighted Images

Note. From "The cycle of caring: A model of expertise in the helping professions," by T. M. Skovholt, 2005, Journal of Mental Health Counseling27(1), p. 86. Copyright 2005 by the American Mental Health Counsellors Association. 

Note. From Managing the tension between other-care and self-care, by D. Phillips, 2023 ( Copyright 2023 by Linkedin.

Attribution Free Images

Figure 1
Therapy dogs

Note. From Pixabay.

Copyrighted Images

Figure 1

Note. From Bling BW [Photgraph], by Colorisgray, 2010, Flickr (​colorisgray/4821532450). CC BY 2.0. 

Figure 2
Matter and graffiti


Note. From Matter and graffiti [Etching, aquatint and embossed plate], by A. Tapies, 1969, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia ( CC BY-ND. 

Figure 3
The human eye and retina

Note. From Life span human development (4th Aust. & NZ ed., p. 262), by C. K. Sigelman, L. De George, K. Cunial, E. A. Rider, M. Kholer, and N. Ballam, 2022, Cengage Learning Australia. Copyright 2022 by Cengage Learning. 

Image Source

Template & Example

Journal article, copyrighted


Note. From [or Adapted from/Data in column 1 are from] “Title of Article,” by A. N. Author and C. O. Author, year, Title of Journal, Volume, p. xx. Copyright [year] by Name of Copyright Holder. Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission.

Example copyright statement

Note. From “Social Media: A Contextual Framework to Guide Research and Practice,” by L. A. McFarland and R. E. Ployhart, 2015, Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, p. 1656. Copyright 2015 by the American Psychological Association.

Corresponding reference entry

McFarland, L. A., & Ployhart, R. E. (2015). Social media: A contextual framework to guide research and practice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 1653–1677.

Journal article, creative commons license


Note. From [or Adapted from/Data in column 1 are from] “Title of Article,” by A. N. Author and C. O. Author, year, Title of Journal, Volume, p. xx. Creative commons license abbreviation.

Example copyright statement

Note. From "Maximizing the Persuasiveness of a Salesperson: An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Nonverbal Immediacy and Language Power on the Extent of Persuasion," by N. M. Gadzhiyeva and K. L. Sager, 2017, Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 33, p. 89. CC BY-NC-ND.

Corresponding reference entry

Gadzhiyeva, N. M., & Sager, K. L. (2017). Maximizing the persuasiveness of a salesperson: An exploratory study of the effects of nonverbal immediacy and language power on the extent of persuasion. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 33, 89-93.

Whole book


Note. From [or Adapted from/Data in column 1 are from] Title of Book (any edition or volume information, p. xxx), by A. N. Author and C. O. Author, year, Publisher. Copyright [year] by Name of Copyright Holder. Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission.

Example copyright statement

Note. Adapted from Managing Therapy-Interfering Behavior: Strategies From Dialectical Behavior Therapy (p. 172), by A. L. Chapman and M. Z. Rosenthal, 2016, American Psychological Association. Copyright 2016 by the American Psychological Association.

Corresponding reference entry

Chapman, A. L., & Rosenthal, M. Z. (2016). Managing therapy-interfering behavior: Strategies from dialectical behavior therapy. American Psychological Association.

Edited book chapter


Note. From [or Adapted from/Data in column 1 are from] “Title of Chapter,” by A. N. Author and C. O. Author, in A. N. Editor (Ed.), Title of Book (any edition or volume information, p. xxx), year, Publisher. Copyright [year] by Name of Copyright Holder. Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission.

Example copyright statement

Note. From “The Cortex: Regulation of Sensory and Emotional Experience,” by D. Christian, in N. Hass-Cohen and R. Carr (Eds.), Art Therapy and Clinical Neuroscience (p. 63), 2008, Jessica Kingsley. Copyright 2008 by Jessica Kingsley. Reprinted with permission.

Corresponding reference entry

Christian, D. (2008). The cortex: Regulation of sensory and emotional experience. In N. Hass-Cohen & R. Carr (Eds.), Art therapy and clinical neuroscience (pp. 62–75). Jessica Kingsley.  



Note. From [or Adapted from/Data in column 1 are from] Title of Web Document, by A. N. Author and C. O. Author, year (http://URL). Copyright [year] by Name of Copyright Holder. Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission.

Example copyright statement

Note. From Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity: Data, Trends and Maps. Alabama Indicator Details Percent of Adults Aged 18 Years and Older Who Are Obese, by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015 ( In the public domain.

Corresponding reference entry

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Nutrition, physical activity and obesity: Data, trends and maps. Alabama indicator details percent of adults aged 18 years and older who are obese.

Note. Adapted from Navigating Copyright for Reproduced Images: Part 4. Writing the Copyright Statement, by C. Lee, 2016, APA Style Blog ( In the public domain. 

For more examples see the APA Style and Grammar Guidelines

Note that you should use the wording “Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission” only when permission has been sought and granted. 

If you are publishing your paper, for example, your thesis is being published in the library catalogue, you will need to seek permission for from the copyright holder to include their images. Most sites will have an online request form or use this letter template to seek permission from the copyright owner: Permission Request Template. The statement, Reprinted with permission [or Adapted with permission] should then be included at the end of the note.